
April 03, 2015  •  Leave a Comment

It's always a new years resolution... less procrastination!  This is a special issue with photography.  If you don't take the shot when you see it, next time the light won't be right, or the scene could be completely gone.  There was a beautiful vineyard with a handsome oak just perfectly set in the middle.  I'd talked myself out of stopping for years, then one day - it's gone!  The tree, the vineyard, everything has been taken out and a new vineyard is being installed.  sigh.

Several times a week I drive through Victor, California.   Every time I look for these shadows. It's interesting to watch how they change with the seasons and time of day.  Finally, one fall morning I stopped to make a photograph of them.  There was a small works show at the Viewpoint Photographic Center that I'd been working up the courage to enter.  These shadows and starkness of the buildings and palms seemed to have great potential.  I wanted them to be really special, so I decided small cyanotypes would be perfect.  

They weren't accepted into the show. :(  I always tell people, try it... you never know what the judges will like... Just enter your best  or favorite work and see what happens.  Don't take it to heart if it's not selected.  Ha!  Great advice, but hard to practice.  I really do love these little works and when they weren't accepted, I put them away in a drawer.

A few months later, here's the Spring Show entry form... well, I had a couple of works that have been shown before and had received great feedback.  So while I'm entering them I start thinking about those little cyanotypes again.  Well, why not?  Cool, they were accepted.  So I'm thinking, yea!  I'm going to get them "professionally" framed.  Time goes by and sure enough, the last day to enter I'm cutting a mat for them.  I'm pretty good with one window, but three!?!  That's a stretch for me.  I was close to just taking the others and putting these back in the drawer.  But I kept at it and got a pretty nice looking presentation.  

So, guess who received an honorable mention!  Another reminder to not give up, stop and make time to take those images you want and enter you favorite works.  Each day is a new opportunity to start again.  

Hope you get to see them in person at the Spring Art Show, at Woodbridge by Mondavi, 5950 East Woodbridge Road, Acampo.  The preveiw gala is April 10th at 7PM and the show is free to the public April 11th and 12th from 11AM to 5PM.

Palm Shadows - TriptychPalm Shadows - Triptych


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