Agent! @ Lodi Grape FestivalI had a busy weekend... well, mostly it was a busy Saturday and a lazy Sunday to recover. I had the chance to spend the day in the studio to finish up the photographs of a local Lodi band, Agent! These are the types of jobs I love: beer, good music and fun people. These guys have been playing music together since high school. I won't venture to guess how long ago that was. Although, once they start playing, it's fun to see these "grown ups" transform into fun loving kids. Especially, when they played hard like this for nearly four hours. Playing favorites from back in the day as well as some original songs. Inspired by band's creativity, I tried to get some creative angles and applied some different looks to the final product. If you want to get inspired of just have a hell of a good time check out their Facebook page for upcoming gigs. _MG_6983-2 _MG_6911 _MG_6965-2 _MG_6861 _MG_6812
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